Thursday, 20 January 2011

The Woodforde's Goods!

Since this project began around seven weeks ago, it seems that The Bottled Beer Year 'HQ' has rapidly evolved into a kind of spa retreat for any stressed-out beer bottles who feel they need to unwind and get away from it all.

The latest company to catch on to this fact are Norfolk's illustrious brewery Woodforde's, who have sent along six of their representatives to relax, kick off their shoes (aka - their lids), and generally join in the fun!

Frankly, I'm more than happy to welcome them all to my oasis of calm. 

(aka - my stomach.)

From left to right they are -

Head Cracker - ('Very' strong pale ale)
Norfolk Nog - (Old dark ale)
Admiral's Reserve - (Strong ale)
Wherry - (Session bitter)
Sundew - (Golden ale)
Nelson's Revenge - (Special bitter)

Each of these brews will be receiving my very close attention over the coming days and weeks.

What a wonderfully relaxing concept!


arn said...

oh dear, i put your poll into a 3 way tie!

Unknown said...
